Monday, November 23, 2009

just wave

One time I was in the car with my dad, and we stopped at a stop sign and there was some random guy standing there, and my dad waved. I was like "DO YOU KNOW HIM?!?"
And my dad casual goes... "fuck no".
(keep in mind I was 6)
Then he says, "who gives a fuck, just wave, it makes people feel special".

I think about this all the time when I lock eyes with people. So I wave (or usually just smile). And its like why not?! Sometimes we are so insecure and caught up with how we might look, so we don't smile at someone because we don't want to look "crazy".
How many times have you thought, "wow that person is so dumb" just because they randomly smiled at you? really? are we that delusional that we think a smile is going to trip someone out?
Smile at everyone you see. Wave at anyone that looks like they could use it.

"every smile is a direct achievement" - (found this one on my yogi tea tag... very good tea btw you should try it)

"The best advice I think I could give is to just keep moving forward, and don’t give a shit about what anybody thinks, just keep moving forward and do what you have to do for you."
— Johnny Depp

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