Thursday, November 19, 2009

when your day is fucked up and rotten

today was just fucked.
but you know what made me feel better. . .
crawling into bed and listening to jack johnson, bubble toes. haven't listened to it since senior year high school probably. and it made me reminisce about high school and i thought, "wow those were the days when things were easy"... everything was planned and perfect and tied in a little bow. and now things are just fucked up and sloppy.
but i don't want to bitch about it because you know...
some days are just fucked.
just embrace your bad mood. soak it up. mope about it, cry, throw your phone at the wall, whatever floats your boat. and then you will get sick of it.
because you can only be pissy for so long.

i read this really crazy book about "owning your own shadow" and it is about balancing the good and bad in our lives. the "shadow" represents the dark corners of our personality that are pushed off to the back burner to only be revisited when we are in a bad mood. It is at this time that everything comes rushing out because darkness can only be contained for so long. some days you just have to let the bad come in. recognize it. and let it ride.
the key to life isn't thinking everything is wonderful all the time, it is about balance. its ying and yang. light and dark.
find the bliss in your shadow.

once you take in the bad day. now its time for the wave to take you back up to happiness.
ride the wave.

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