Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happiness begins where selfishness ends

"You should take good care of others, be concerned for their welfare, help them, serve them, make more friends, make more smiles, The result? When you yourself need help, you find plenty of helpers! If, on the other hand, you neglect the happiness of others, in the long term you will be the loser. And is friendship produced through quarrels and anger, jealousy and intense competitiveness? I do not think so. Only affection brings us genuine close friends." - Dalai Lama

this is a big idea and it is easy to have selective thinking and remember only the times where you were selfless. but take it down to this second, to this very moment, are you serving yourself, is there something you could be doing to bring a smile to someone's face?

** Something to try **
-before you go to bed at night
-close your eyes
-and go through the pieces of your day
-it can be simple
- i had eggs for breakfast, then I went for a run, then I had a nice conversation on the phone with Angela, then I cleaned my room, then ....
-whatever your day looks like
- see what you remember
- AND see what points bring a smile to your face
- or the times where you shake your head and think how childish you acted

For me... when I reflect on my day, the high points are when I was talking to good people or when I was helping out a friend or family member. And when I am disappointed with how I spent my time, it is usually because I wasted my time talking shit on someone that had wronged me that day.
But after finding this out about myself, I focus on being my best self, versus putting out bad energy trying to tear down other peoples images.

Try this!!!! I promise it will help you sleep and will make for a better tomorrow! :)

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