Monday, November 9, 2009

There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

What the fuck is this sudoku shit? Is this what life is about... sitting at Starbucks playing bullshit, waiting around for bullshit, talking about bullshit?
I think not!
Seeing these people in their retirement, that they have worked there whole lives towards, makes me sad. But are we going to change society and run off and live in a hut? Fuck no. This is life, and it is what you make it. These are the days! Today is your life! Seize the day because all you have to look forward to is a walker with some tennis balls on the legs, and it aint pretty.
Lets live today as if it were our last because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Don't be saddened by the things you can't change, look for the ways you can make this moment better, and then do it! This is the time, this is the place.

Enjoy today's happiness today.

"let's take it easy and celebrate the malleable reality,
because nothing is ever as it seems,
this life is but a dream" -Jason Mraz

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha LOVE the opening line.. i also believe that solving sudoku puzzles is a poor use of free time
