Wednesday, January 27, 2010

no need for a quarter life crisis

While taking in my 10 minutes of sun (I try to sit outside and let the sun hit my face for at least 10 minutes a day... has a lot of great health benefits and helps you sleep better at night)...
... I realized I am 22.
My dad yells at me for being an age-ist (not sure if that is a real word, hence the hyphen)... because I am always shocked when I hear a persons age and make some overly judgmental comment about how old 65 is!!!
And when you really think about it, who gives a fuck about your age. you always hear people saying you are only as old as you feel and bla bla bla. and o you can be young at heart and stay young forever. but this is not my revelation.
my age gave me relief. i thought about how much i had truly accomplished for really only being able to talk coherently for a mere 20 years. i mean think about it, most of us have written "scholarly papers" (lets just pretend those papers were thought out and well researched), we have built lasting relationships with people who were nothing but strangers, we have drunkenly sung karaoke and in the same night still managed to get home safely to our beds, and we have planned and re-planned adventures in our attempts to seize the day. and i think it is time we give ourselves some credit.
we have done a lot. and I know I freak out thinking WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY LIFE.
but i think we are already living it. and doing a pretty damn good job.
so relax.
"go make a life, not a living"

and what about this- --- there are 40 year olds out there that are still running a muck and haven't figured out their "way" and then BAM in one year everything falls into place and they are in their state of flow at 41 !!! holy shit!!! 41 !!!!!
but who cares!!!??? that was just the way it was supposed to happen for them and now at 41 they are sublimely happy... and i am sure they wished they hadn't spent all that time worrying about when their life was going to come together. just have faith that it will. because it will.
just relax.

"all human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope"

"success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it. success is shy, it won't come out while you're watching"

now go RELAX.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Van,
    Thoroughly enjoyed your post it made me think about how great all of us are and how much more time we all have to keep it up... Keep em coming!


    p.s. o ya and ageist is a real world, albeit less popular then racist
