Monday, November 23, 2009

just wave

One time I was in the car with my dad, and we stopped at a stop sign and there was some random guy standing there, and my dad waved. I was like "DO YOU KNOW HIM?!?"
And my dad casual goes... "fuck no".
(keep in mind I was 6)
Then he says, "who gives a fuck, just wave, it makes people feel special".

I think about this all the time when I lock eyes with people. So I wave (or usually just smile). And its like why not?! Sometimes we are so insecure and caught up with how we might look, so we don't smile at someone because we don't want to look "crazy".
How many times have you thought, "wow that person is so dumb" just because they randomly smiled at you? really? are we that delusional that we think a smile is going to trip someone out?
Smile at everyone you see. Wave at anyone that looks like they could use it.

"every smile is a direct achievement" - (found this one on my yogi tea tag... very good tea btw you should try it)

"The best advice I think I could give is to just keep moving forward, and don’t give a shit about what anybody thinks, just keep moving forward and do what you have to do for you."
— Johnny Depp

Thursday, November 19, 2009

when your day is fucked up and rotten

today was just fucked.
but you know what made me feel better. . .
crawling into bed and listening to jack johnson, bubble toes. haven't listened to it since senior year high school probably. and it made me reminisce about high school and i thought, "wow those were the days when things were easy"... everything was planned and perfect and tied in a little bow. and now things are just fucked up and sloppy.
but i don't want to bitch about it because you know...
some days are just fucked.
just embrace your bad mood. soak it up. mope about it, cry, throw your phone at the wall, whatever floats your boat. and then you will get sick of it.
because you can only be pissy for so long.

i read this really crazy book about "owning your own shadow" and it is about balancing the good and bad in our lives. the "shadow" represents the dark corners of our personality that are pushed off to the back burner to only be revisited when we are in a bad mood. It is at this time that everything comes rushing out because darkness can only be contained for so long. some days you just have to let the bad come in. recognize it. and let it ride.
the key to life isn't thinking everything is wonderful all the time, it is about balance. its ying and yang. light and dark.
find the bliss in your shadow.

once you take in the bad day. now its time for the wave to take you back up to happiness.
ride the wave.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

trim the fat

don't worry this isn't about loosing weight. so read on... :)

attachment with people is a beautiful thing. to recognize closeness and companionship with someone is a blessing. but what about when that connection fades? should we stick it out?
there is no blanket answer. the only thing you can do is be honest with yourself.
trust your gut. you know deep down the answers to everything. you are not confused, you just don't want to believe what your gut is telling you.
If there is someone in your life and you are putting up with them because of comfort, or guilt, or selfishness, you've got to trim the fat.

why do we stay in limbo for so long between when we know its over and when we actually let them go? we linger around hoping it will be different, why?! lets just cut the bullshit and bone out. there are better lovers, friends, objects, everything is out there. this may sound harsh, but get over it. you will eventually cut that person out of your life so why not just approach it with courage and do it now. welcome the opportunity for someone new to positively affect your life, and stop clinging to the past. experience the world today, not how it was yesterday or how you expect it to be tomorrow.

you can only change you. no one else. so be the agent of change and move forward with your life and leave the others in the dust.

...sorry this post has a little bit of bitch in it, but some days I just have to lay it out there ;)

"Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours".

"There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it & surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy."

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sometimes the sun shines on other peoples houses and not mine

Everybody has their time in the sun.
Let the person in the spotlight have their time.
Because you will have yours. and it may come in a different form, smaller, or bigger, or whatever, but wait for it. there is plenty to go around.

look at someone doing well, and tell them how awesome it is that they are doing well. because next time you look you will be around people recognizing your success and you will be basking in the sunshine.
this is a wonderful moment for that person. and if they are your friend then be happy that you know a great person doing wonderful things in the world. and if its your enemy... stop. it is jealously that is making this person your enemy. if you recognize people for who they are then you have no enemy. you are your own enemy. you have placed the burden on someone else to carry all your insecurities and fears. tear down these destructive thoughts and be happy for all those around you who are thriving.

"Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happiness begins where selfishness ends

"You should take good care of others, be concerned for their welfare, help them, serve them, make more friends, make more smiles, The result? When you yourself need help, you find plenty of helpers! If, on the other hand, you neglect the happiness of others, in the long term you will be the loser. And is friendship produced through quarrels and anger, jealousy and intense competitiveness? I do not think so. Only affection brings us genuine close friends." - Dalai Lama

this is a big idea and it is easy to have selective thinking and remember only the times where you were selfless. but take it down to this second, to this very moment, are you serving yourself, is there something you could be doing to bring a smile to someone's face?

** Something to try **
-before you go to bed at night
-close your eyes
-and go through the pieces of your day
-it can be simple
- i had eggs for breakfast, then I went for a run, then I had a nice conversation on the phone with Angela, then I cleaned my room, then ....
-whatever your day looks like
- see what you remember
- AND see what points bring a smile to your face
- or the times where you shake your head and think how childish you acted

For me... when I reflect on my day, the high points are when I was talking to good people or when I was helping out a friend or family member. And when I am disappointed with how I spent my time, it is usually because I wasted my time talking shit on someone that had wronged me that day.
But after finding this out about myself, I focus on being my best self, versus putting out bad energy trying to tear down other peoples images.

Try this!!!! I promise it will help you sleep and will make for a better tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

it is what it is

don't try to make things something it isn't.
don't over think it.
don't beat it to death.

we will never understand it all - so don't try to.

Does thinking about something long enough really lead us to the answer?
... all we really need to do is just take it for what it is, and move on.

lets just say.... someone you're interested in doesn't call you back - and then you rationalize that he's not calling because his super-unconscious left brain is telling him not to as a result of lingering "mommy issues".
Although unlikely, so what if it is true - he still didn't call you back, and that is the reality of the situation.


"Einstein said he could never understand it all
Planets spinning through space
The smile upon your face
Welcome to the human race

Some kind of lovely ride
I'll be sliding down
I'll be gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride" - James Taylor, Secret O' Life

Monday, November 9, 2009

There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

What the fuck is this sudoku shit? Is this what life is about... sitting at Starbucks playing bullshit, waiting around for bullshit, talking about bullshit?
I think not!
Seeing these people in their retirement, that they have worked there whole lives towards, makes me sad. But are we going to change society and run off and live in a hut? Fuck no. This is life, and it is what you make it. These are the days! Today is your life! Seize the day because all you have to look forward to is a walker with some tennis balls on the legs, and it aint pretty.
Lets live today as if it were our last because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Don't be saddened by the things you can't change, look for the ways you can make this moment better, and then do it! This is the time, this is the place.

Enjoy today's happiness today.

"let's take it easy and celebrate the malleable reality,
because nothing is ever as it seems,
this life is but a dream" -Jason Mraz

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Don't Crawl Up My Ass

Historically we are farmers and fisherman, our heritage is personified by hours of solitude. But yet now everyone today is so afraid to be alone. If you need someone to go with you to the grocery store, then you have got a problem. Enjoy your time alone. Be content to be alone with your own thoughts. Take this time as a gift. Mull through your own thoughts. (Get jiggy with it).
But really it gives you a chance to reevaluate where you are and to discover what YOU want.

"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe."

"One should reflect on one's mind with every moment" -Buddha

We are here!

Its finally here! After years of saying I was going to start a blog streaming everything that my dad lectures me on... I did it. I hope this can grow into something really great where friends can check TAKE AS NEEDED for a good laugh and a new perspective. Its going to be Dr. Drew meets Chelsea Handler meets Buddha meets Stephen Colbert with a splash of Oprah. If you have not had the pleasure of meeting my dad, you are missing out (cuz he has the best collection of muscle tees that you have ever seen) and also cuz he gives it to you straight - no bullshit. So now we are bringing it to you live from the hills of PV- here it goes!