Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What are you writing a fucking book about me?

When I was younger and my dad would leave the house on the weekends, everyone was around to see him fuddling around looking for his keys and gathering up shit, all eyes would turn on him and we would ask so curiously, "where are you going?"
and he would respond, "what are you writing a fucking book about me?"
at the time, yes, it seemed a little harsh (but also very funny). but now i see he wanted his privacy and proved that it doesn't really matter where he was going.

I have found the biggest relief in knowing that no one is writing a fucking book about me.
No one really cares what you are doing. Facebook has made us feel that other people care what we are doing. And we seem to think that everyone is creating a story about us in their heads.
"O he was so chubby in intermediate school, and then in high school o-man that was the phase where he had bad skin and an ugly girl friend, but then in college o thats where he blossomed and got in with the right crowd."
If you think other people are constructing a story about you and who you have been and who you are... you are seriously mistaken. (and doesnt that feel good and bad at the same time).
It is only you making up this story in your head. It is only your patterns of thought that are keeping you trapped in the past.
"the habitual pattern of thought stands in the way of other impressions"

Sometimes I catch myself writing a story for myself, and putting it in chapters and making these overly dramatic (and inaccurate) groupings. Por ejemplo: I sometimes section off the years -these were the years when I had good friends, and then these were the years when I had bad friends, and then this year I was in love, and this year I was lonely. I have made my life about extremes, and I hold onto these groups, and now i see how they hold me back.
What are you letting be your scar?

"If you hold on tight, to what you think is your thing, you may find you're missing all the rest" -Dave Matthews

Stop thinking other people are writing a book about you,
stop writing a book about yourself,
and just live.

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