Monday, April 26, 2010

everything you are thinking you already know

everything you are thinking you already know.
think about it, the lists that you create or the moments that you replay or the judgements that you fine tune in your head are already present, you know it all. so then why do we let our minds stay stuck in repetitive thought?
this is true for me when I am going to bed and I think and think and think and then oddly enough in the morning I can't remember anything i thought about. it seemed so important when i was lying there, and it seemed like i really figured EVERYTHING out. when in actuality i was just spinning my wheels for 2 hours. it is this chattering of the mind that i believe blocks us from truth. blaaaaa what is truth? such an annoying and vague word.
i think truth is something you can't see, you can't talk about, and you can't fake. it is our gut.
its when you flip a coin and it lands on the side you were betting against. and then you realize what you want and you do it.
get in touch with your gut. its hard when the tv is blarring, or when losers are chattering, or when respecting yourself isn't a priority.
If you can't sit in silence, or surround yourself with good people, or take care of your physical body, then your gut is unhappy and you cant find your truth.
does religion have to do with truth?
before i had a quote that said kindness is my religion... so i am saying now be kind to yourself. practice a personal religion that brings you your own truth and thus your own happiness.
YOU KNOW A LOT. you have experiences of about 20 plus years, and i am giving you the green light to make your own religion, one that values you.

for me yoga takes me away from constant stimulus to a place where i can recharge and feel connected to myself. my mind isn't being pumped with images of Linsday Lohans cocaine-ified feet, or advertisements for pills i need to take to boost my metabolism and get cancer, or hear Nancy Grace talk about crazy shit in a southern drawl.
obviously i love to watch this shit, but you know i feel bad for the people that actually believe these things. those that are addicted to this world that perpetuates feelings of fear and inadequacy.
And i know none of my readers are the people that are sucked into this kind of dribble... but i think this is an extreme example of all the things out there that are not truth.
this type of media latches on to those that are weak.
and without an internal respect for yourself and your gut, your intuition, your truth or whatever, you are everyday threatened by Nancy Grace. hahaha
but seriously respect what you know, let what you feel come through, and have the strength to stand by those thoughts because they are worth everything.

"I searched through rebellion, drugs, diet, mysticism, religion, intellectualism, and much more, only to find that truth is basically simple and feels good, clear and right" -Armando Corea

"Facts and facts, and things and things: them all a lotta bullshit. here me! there is no truth but the one" -bob marley

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