Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"should" is a funny word

you should do this. you should be that.
they should not have done this or that.

who are you to make up the should's of peoples lives!
you can only do what you can do. and you can't make or want other people do what you want them to do.
it is this pressure that we put on others to live up to our expectations that causes our unhappiness in relationships. just let people be who they want to be, and if their agenda fits into your life, and their morals are in line with yours then it is a match. stop fussing over how you wish people were different.

if you are so strong in your beliefs and can't welcome someone else's thought patterns then walk away. i don't see the point in arguing about it or trying to change them. so i just let it be.
its about YOU accepting a difference in opinion, not how you can manipulate them into being the way you want them to be.

this is all simple when its a fresh meeting between two people... but the problem is when you have already let them into your life and you let the list of should's just pile up.
"she shouldn't be such a slut"
"you shouldn't hang out with them"
"he should treat me better"

the solution: STOP BEING A VICTIM.
here is my crazy weird analogy...
lets just say your life is like a house... and you own this house, okay.
and then you let people come into your house and you chill with them and whatever.
and then someone starts pissing on your carpet. what do you do?
do you just sit there and whisper to your friends, "ummm he really shouldn't be pissing on my carpet!"
do you man up and kick them out of your mother fucking house for pissing on your mother fucking carpet!

so maybe sometimes its not as severe. like if someone is in your house and breaks something, okay fine. shit happens. and people fuck up. but then next time i turn around the bitch is throwing a dish at my wall, cuz she wants to start shit and cause drama.
and I'm like bitch i don't think so!!!
get out of my house.
cuz i am not going to sit there and coach her on how she SHOULD behave in my house.
you had your chance and now i don't want you here. thank you bye bye.

very simple analogy. but really why do we let people linger around and piss on our carpet and break our shit?
we sure as hell wouldn't let them fuck with the material objects of our house, so why let them do it with our emotions.

there are people out there that will fill your house.
"don't hold on just because you think there's no one else. there will always be someone else. you've got to believe you're worth more than being repeatedly hurt by someone who doesn't really care and believe that someone will see what you're really worth and treat you the way you should be treated"

"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." -Mahatma Gandhi

And don't blame yourself for letting them into your house. we have to always let new people in to truly love and experience them.
"i like people too much or not at all. i've got to go down deep, to fall into people, to really know them." -Sylvia Plath

so lets not should people to death and live our lives as we want and celebrate with those that make life worth living.
"I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. you are you, and i am i, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful." -Frederick E. Perl