Tuesday, March 2, 2010

you are enough

I can't say this to myself enough.

why do we constantly make lists?
why do we replay events (good or bad ones) over and over in our heads?
why do we dwell in the past or in the future?
why do we think that who we are in this moment isn't good enough???

We are all told to stay in the moment, and it is probably the hardest thing to do. But for me, I just repeat this mantra in my head, ....you are enough... you are enough....
cheesy. yes. does it work? yes.

Once we can stop searching for more, or clinging to what we have already accomplished (or failed at), we can see the happiness of this moment. it is the attachment we have to things other than the present is what feeds our unhappiness.

Everything you need, you already have in this moment

"Almost all our desires, when examined, contain something too shameful to reveal"
My desires to be something other than what I am right now at 12:08 on Tuesday, March 2nd are all useless. they don't bring me happiness now or later. so lets just get rid of them. and say to ourseleves WE ARE ENOUGH.

"let us live gladly! being as-we-are" - wei wu wei

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