Monday, August 27, 2012

Being intimate with this moment

I usually put honey in my coffee. And most of it sinks to the bottom and I look forward to that last sip that is especially sweet. But I have come up against a huge problem (I say huge just to be dramatic). I am rushing through the coffee, burning my tongue, and always wishing that last honey saturated sip was a little longer. I call this – CONSTANT DISATIFACTION. This is not limited to how I drink my coffee. I sometimes find myself wishing I were older, thinner, more successful, etc. and I am missing out on the richness of my current life.

Another example. I think of my cousin at 25 busting her ass to finish nursing school and living on the hope that once she finishes her life will be better. Then she graduates, and then the next “I will be happen when…” phrase manifests, “I will be happy when I have a job”. We have all fallen victim to this scenario of trying to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I think in some respects this represents our hope (which is a beautiful thing)…or it is our crutch that gets us through hard times (totally necessary)… BUT soon it becomes a full-fledged sickness.

In the example with my cousins, she was lucky enough to confide in my uncle her frustrations, and this is what he said, “I hear you. You are disappointed, frustrated, and you can’t wait till your big break… but here is the truth - THIS IS YOUR LIFE”. It may sound harsh (that is the Volpicelli way), but he is right. This moment is your life, and there is nowhere to be but here. You are breathing. You have someone to vent to. You have your sanity. And if we can just refocus our energy on this specific moment we can see how lucky we are.
“Be happy for this moment, for this moment is your life”.

There are so many times I hear things like, “stop worrying about what is to come” or “don’t chase the pot of gold” or other negative phrases. So I want to leave you with positive phrases to repeat back to yourself when you are rushing through your coffee.
-be intimate with this moment
-be grateful for this day, because it will never come again
-be ok with where you are

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” –Bob Marley

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