Thursday, July 28, 2011

clean your car

So for about.... umm two weeks now I have driven around with a bird-shit-stained, filthy car. And today I went to the car wash!

As I drove home I could see things clearly.

Coincidentally last week was the worst week ever. I am not going to get into it because… TODAY I have cleaned my windshield and have a new handle on life.

“don’t let yesterday use up too much of today”.

I think we could all take a couple moments to clean our minds. Instead of trudging around, perpetuating the same bad attitude, carrying out the same bad decisions, or making the same judgments… let's start fresh! Just as bad as an ugly car looks driven around, so too does an ugly mind.

And believe me, I get it! I have bad fucking days, I make really bad decisions, and I really can’t stand some people… but that was yesterday. Today I am going to be zen. I have a clean car, good friends, big goals, and everything else is just bullshit.

“you can’t make the same mistake twice, the second time you make it, it’s no longer a mistake, it’s a choice”.

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