Tuesday, May 11, 2010


last week i went and saw a documentary on a guy named Frank. he was overweight, recovering heroin addict, claimed "hadn't seen his penis in 10 years", and was just downright unhappy.
the movie was about him doing a 42 day cleanse that focused on changing his diet (to vegan/raw) and changing his lifestyle (exercising & saying positive affirmations).

at the end of the showing Frank was actually there! and he did a little q&a. one person asked why and how did you decide to do this cleanse...
Franks answer:
"I was so desperate. I had nothing else going for me. it came down to why not? why not do this.
And when it came down to it all i had to say was yes.
it is this little word that changed my whole life. "

This made me realize that it was a split second where Frank had to be brave and say yes, and every yes after that was easy. so in reality we only have to be amazingly strong for one brief second. come on we can all do that!!

everything besides what you want are just distractions. Frank could have let his desire for meat stand in the way of him experiencing his new cleansed self. or he could have let the comfort of his bed prevent him from going on a 30 minute walk. or he could have let his fear of the unknown stop him from finding the power of the infinite.
"if it is important enough to you, you will find a way. if it is not, you find an excuse"

in most cases it is fear that stops us from change. we almost always know what we want or what we should do but there is this little word that we use that ruins everything.
in place of saying that we will actually do something we say...
i am trying to loose weight.
i am trying to make him/her not apart of my life.
i am trying to be more positive.

"do or do not-- there is no try"

if there is something in your life that you can physically write down and enumerate how you want it to be, then the only thing standing in the way is you.
maybe you are not at rock bottom yet (and maybe that means something too). But in Franks case, he was done. he was fed up with what his life had become and he wanted to be different, so he became something different.
its like that annoying calculation of how to loose weight... calories in has to be less than calories burned. and there is truth in that.
sometimes the biggest things are just that simple.
if you want to be different, be different.

curious about the documentary...??

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