Thursday, October 28, 2010

we must throw our own sticks

It has been a long time since a post, but I came across this excerpt and i felt like i needed to share it with all the people i know who are approaching or are in the midst of a QUARTER LIFE CRISIS.

It's about this guy and his dog...

"If then i bend over and pick up a stick, he is instantly before me. the great thing has now happened. he has a mission.... it never occurs to him to evaluate the mission. his dedication is solely to its fulfillment. he runs or swims any distance, over or through any obstacle, to get that stick.
and, having got it, he brings it back: for his mission is not simply to get it but to return it. yet, as he approaches me, he moves more slowly. he wants to give it to me and give closure to his task, yet he hates to be done with his mission, to again be in the position of waiting.
for him as for me, it is necessary to be in the service of something beyond the self. until i am ready he must wait. he is lucky to have me throw his stick. i am waiting for God to throw mine. have been waiting a long time. who knows when, if ever, he will again turn his attention to me."

We have all gone and fetched a stick and walked back very slowly knowing that that chapter of our lives was over. change is rough.
I remember when i graduated from college and thought to myself, "I wish someone would just tell me what to do, and I'll do it".
so much freedom to do whatever. to pick up any stick. but i was too scared and wanted to push the responsibility onto someone else. and for the guy in the story, he is waiting for God to throw him a stick. I'm not going to get all religious and shit, but alz i know is....

I'm going to throw my own stick and see what happens.